ILTS  vs.  Property:  A Detailed Comparison for Investors

- ILTS: Highly liquid; investors can buy or sell holdings instantly, enabling quick portfolio adjustments. - Property: Low liquidity; selling property is time-consuming and depends on market conditions and location.

Liquidity and Flexibility:

- ILTS: Partial or full withdrawals are easy, offering better cash flow management. - Property: Typically requires selling the entire property; partial sales are complex.

Withdrawal Options:

- ILTS: Not location-dependent; invest from anywhere with a trading platform. - Property: Value is tied to location, local economy, and market trends.

Geographic and Financial Considerations:

- ILTS: Start with small amounts, making it accessible for all budgets. - Property: Requires significant upfront capital, including additional costs like taxes and repairs.

Investment Size:

- ILTS: Minimal maintenance costs and straightforward paperwork. - Property: High maintenance expenses and intensive paperwork processes.

Costs and Documentation: