Art of Saving: A Guide to Saving Money & Its Importance

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Art of Saving A Guide to Saving Money & Its Importance


Today, we embark on a new series dedicated to achieving financial freedom. Over the course of this series, we will delve into various aspects of personal finance, including money, savings, investments, risks, and growth. In this first installment, we begin by exploring the fundamental question: What is money?

The Meaning of Money:

While many of our elders often remind us that money is not everything, it undeniably holds significant importance in our lives. Money represents different things to different people. For a family-oriented individual, it symbolizes the realization of dreams, such as owning a dream house, providing their children with toys, education, and funding their future weddings. For the younger generation, money is often associated with hobbies and the acquisition of luxury cars or motorbikes. Housewives may view money as a means to acquire cherished items like jewelry and sarees. The elderly often link money to medical bills and a secure retirement fund. Lastly, the working class sees money as the reward for their hard work and the value of their skills.

The Role of Money in Today’s World:

In today’s world, money plays a vital role in both survival and success. It is often seen as the root of many solutions. While some may argue that money is not inherently good, we believe that it is the way people choose to use money that can be questionable. There’s a popular phrase that encapsulates this perspective: “Money isn’t everything in life, but everything in life includes a lot of things that come with money.” Money empowers individuals with the ability to make choices and shapes their overall well-being.

Money: An Integral Part of Modern Society:

To summarize, money is an integral part of modern society, holding immense importance. It contributes to personal well-being, drives economic growth, and facilitates the functioning of the global economy.

Attracting Money: The First Mantra for Financial Freedom:

Now, let’s move on to the first mantra for attracting money into your life. While it may seem a bit unconventional, this practice is crucial in developing the right mindset towards money—a crucial step towards achieving financial freedom.

Expressing Love and Gratitude for Money:

The first step is to start expressing love and gratitude for money and make it a habit. Each morning, take a moment to say “I Love my money” five times. This simple exercise will cultivate loyalty towards your own money. Additionally, when someone gives you money—whether in cash, through a bank transfer, or any other means—show gratitude to both the person and the money itself. This practice will create a positive aura surrounding both the money and the people involved. As you cultivate loyalty and a positive mindset towards your money, you’ll naturally begin to think about its growth and safety.

Start Today, Dedicate Two Minutes Every Morning:

Begin practicing this exercise today—dedicate just two minutes every morning to your money. Show gratitude towards it, and let’s reconvene in our next episode to explore further steps towards financial freedom.

Stay Updated and Happy Investing:

Remember to subscribe to our channel and click the bell icon for regular updates on this series. Stay tuned, and we’ll see you in the next video, where we will discuss more strategies to achieve financial freedom. Happy investing!


Understanding the true power and significance of money is a crucial step towards achieving financial freedom. By acknowledging its importance and developing a positive mindset, we set ourselves on a path of abundance and opportunity. Join us in this series as we explore various strategies and insights to help you navigate the world of personal finance and attain the financial freedom you desire.

Happy Investing!

This article is for education purpose only. Kindly consult with your financial advisor before doing any kind of investment.

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