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Discipline about Trading

If we talk about stock markets, there are end numbers of traders, who are trading, but we know few of them. Why? Because they are successful. Don’t you ponder why only they are so successful? Do they have some special quality? You will say they are born lucky, they have insider information, or they might be multi-millionaires by birth? correct?

Let me give you an example, we all know the name of Virat Kohli- his fame and his success. Did he get this success because he is lucky? Or his father was a mighty millionaire?. No. because he was dedicated to his career and dedication brings success sooner or later. This is true for the stock market also. In this post, we will discuss the discipline of trading.

  1. The first rule is to make a clear cut objective that what you want to achieve, your goal or your objectives should be clear and crisp.
  2. According to your objectives, select appropriate trading systems whether you want to become.
    • Long Term Investor.
    • Short term investor.
    • Medium-term Investor.
    • Or a day trader.
  3. Now, plan how will you start, remember “Planning is half winning”
  4. After planning, you have to start keeping records of your trade, these will help you to analyze your future trade.
  5. Now, many traders or investors do not trade or invest, after a few losses they actually quit, but we suggest you should have a learning attitude to accept losses.

So these are a few steps you should follow consistently and bring discipline in trading.

Happy Investing!

This article is for education purpose only. Kindly consult with your financial advisor before doing any kind of investment.

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