Handling Financial Uncertainty

What is certain and what is not? Life is certain and so is Death. Only these two facts are certain in one’s life rest all is uncertain; whether it’s health, wealth, relationship or our future. Future covers a vast area – our daily routine activities etc. are a part of uncertainty.
Every morning we rise with a goal and a dream in our eyes. We start our day with many hopes which may happen or may not – here arises Uncertainty. But we have to face these situations with a tussle in our mind which says when things are so uncertain in future why to work on it & why not live only in present. For eg: – We all know that with passage of time we grow old and our health deteriorates so the question arises when in future we have to face health issues why to be alert right now and take care; the simple answer to it is if we take proper steps in present for our health than in future we will be having strength for fighting against it so this shows that Working in present with thoughtful action helps us to handle the situations of uncertainty in future.
Now the point arises – how to handle uncertainty in future?
here comes two type of categories in it.
Mr. X – lives in present and DON’T care for the futureMr. Y – lives in present and DO think about the future too.
For eg: –
Let’s understand it with our health perspective; suppose Mr. X is into all bad eating and living habits like alcohol, tobacco (paan, gutkha) going to pubs and discos, having all possible habits to exploit his life. Right now definitely he is enjoying his life but what about the Future – his life will be full of hassles and troubles in a short period of time and he will not even be able to lead normal life which will lead to a bad end in future.
Now whereas Mr. Y is doing his all duties – living a proper and systematic life and following his passion and opted it as his career and source of income for living. In short, he is enjoying his life in present and he is saving his life for the future too by doing all his duties and job of passion. He is enjoying the Present as he is following his passion and also securing his Health for future too.
Similarly, earning and saving in present will result into secured future and if this earning is invested in proper funds it can help us in handling uncertainty.
In brief, if we learn the art of “working in present and enjoying it” and “along we secure for future” – we can handle Uncertainty. We just have to have little savings in our present and invest them at right and proper sources for a better future.
After understanding the concept of handling uncertainty the question arises – How to handle Financial Uncertainty? What all to do regarding the savings & where to invest them as our savings are very important to us so they should be handed over in right hands. We have to search for good and reliable options of investments and then keep a proper track about it. We need to fix our:
- Objective
- Goal
- Time Frame
- Risk Profile
- Resources
We slowly build a secure financial future for us by doing little savings and investing them at proper avenues.
These saving and investments help one to live a healthy and wealthy life with facing the uncertainties. One has to work upon it in present and set a target for his future to increase the money value at different intervals. Health is important for wealth and vice versa. Both get along very well so it is very important to take proper care of our health and wealth to handle our unseen uncertainties.
Thank You.