Investment lessons from the movie – 12th Fail

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Investment lessons from the movie - 12th Fail


In the world of cinema, many stories revolve around characters who face adversity, strive for success, and ultimately achieve their goals. “12th Fail,” a compelling movie, takes us on a journey through the life of a young Manoj who faces challenges that mirror the real-life struggles of many individuals. This blog will delve into how the movie “12th Fail” beautifully highlights the importance of regular learning, discipline, and patience through Manoj’s experiences.

The Movie’s Plot:

“12th Fail” tells the story of a young man who, as the title suggests, fails his 12th-grade exams. Disheartened and uncertain about his future, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Along the way, he encounters ups and downs, learns valuable lessons, and gradually transforms himself into a successful individual.

Regular Learning:

Manoj’s journey in “12th Fail” highlights the significance of regular learning. Despite his initial setbacks, he doesn’t give up but continues to acquire new knowledge and skills. Whether it’s enrolling in vocational courses, attending workshops, or reading books, he demonstrates the power of continuous learning. This serves as a crucial reminder of the role of education in personal growth.

The lesson for us as investors is – we should recognize that just as continuous learning plays a pivotal role in personal growth, staying informed, adaptable, and open to acquiring new insights is equally essential in the dynamic world of financial markets.


Just as Manoj invests his time and energy in learning, he also learns the importance of discipline. In the financial sense, this could be exemplified by his responsible use of money and resources. He realizes that without proper financial management, his dreams and aspirations may remain unattainable. This aspect of the movie underlines the value of smart financial decisions and investment planning. If Manoj can go from 0 to IPS, then we as investors can also go from a normal portfolio to a big portfolio if we follow the secret formula: ‘Failure = Restart.’

Consistency & Hard work: 

The movie portrays the idea that consistency is key and that small, regular efforts can lead to success in the long run. Manoj’s relentless dedication to working during the day and studying at night led to his path to success, while his friend’s choice to sleep during the day and indulge in alcohol at night ultimately resulted in his downfall.

This parallel can be drawn to the real world, where regular SIPs in mutual funds or stocks can help individuals create wealth steadily, even with limited initial capital.  


One of the most valuable lessons Manoj learns in the movie is the importance of patience. He faces numerous challenges and setbacks along his journey, but he perseveres and remains patient. His unwavering determination and resilience were evident as he faced failure not once, twice even thrice, but the fact that he finally passed the exam on his fourth and last attempt serves as a powerful testament to the enduring values of patience and hard work.

Investors, take note: Patience is the key. Like Manoj in the movie, facing challenges is part of the game. He failed multiple times, but his patience and hard work paid off on the fourth try. Investing is similar; markets can be tough, and setbacks happen. Learn from Manoj—stay patient, work hard, and success will likely follow.


12th Fail is more than just a cinematic tale; it’s a story of hope, determination, and the power of regular learning, discipline, focus, and patience. The movie serves as a source of inspiration for anyone facing challenges or setbacks in their life. It reminds us that success is not defined by one’s past failures but by their ability to learn, invest wisely, and remain patient on their path to achieving their goals. Just as Manoj in the movie demonstrates, it’s never too late to turn your life around and create your own success story.

Index Long-Term Strategy also emphasizes the importance of learning, investing wisely, and remaining patient on the path to achieving one’s goals.

Happy Investing!

This article is for education purpose only. Kindly consult with your financial advisor before doing any kind of investment.

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